Repository of Actions on Paid Domestic Work

This Repository developed by the OAS Secretariat in conjunction with the governments of the Americas, showcases the actions that the Ministries of Labor of the region have implemented to dignify, formalize, and achieve the full exercise of rights in paid domestic work.


The Repository contains information on legislation, policies, and strategies implemented, classified into five major areas of intervention.


1)     Training and professionalization 

2)     Dissemination and awareness raising 

3)     Inspection 

4)     Social security coverage 

5)     Alliances with social actors 


To know the actions of each country, please click on the corresponding image.


This Repository was developed in conjunction with each Ministry to validate and publish the information, and it is an action of the RIAL/GENDER.


For more information on the rights of domestic workers, including legislation, history, and indicators, among others, visit the new Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) microsite here.