Chile - Repository of Actions on Paid Domestic Work

Regulatory Information 
Ratification of the 189 ILO Convention  Yes, June 10, 2015.
Existence of an internal regulation for domestic work



Law 21,269 Incorporates Private House Workers to the Unemployment Insurance of Law No. 19,728. Consult here. 


Law 20,786 Modifies the Hours, Rest and Composition of the Remuneration of Private House Workers, and Prohibits the Requirement of Uniform in Public Places. Consult here.

Areas of Intervention 
1. Training and professionalization 



The Ministry’s training in the past have focused on providing information or clarity on the relevant aspects of the employment contract and on the risks in particular workplaces in order to prevent them. The last ones registered were in 2019 and there was also one in 2015 for migrant domestic workers. Consult the 2019 example here. Consult the 2015 example here  


In 2022, through the Ministry of Labor, women workers in private homes were trained and certified in labor skills and the profile of private home worker was created. Consult here.  




The Ministry does not seem to have training for employers of domestic workers at this time

2. Dissemination and awareness-raising  The Ministry has collaborated with unions to launch campaigns to promote the rights of domestic workers. For example, in 2016 the Ministry together with the Federation of Private House Workers Unions launched “X a fair job” to promote the registration of contracts and respect for basic rights by employers. Consult here. 
3. Inspection  

Regarding the inspection, the Ministry has a portal for the registration of contracts for private home workers that can be completed online or at the Inspection Office. Consult here.  


Also, in Article 146 of Law 20.786 it mentions that, if necessary, the Labor Inspectorate can send an inspector to the home of an employer with their consent of date and time to evaluate working conditions. Consult here.  

4. Social Security Coverage   Regarding social security, workers have the rights indicated by the two previously mentioned regulations. Also, in 2016 the Ministry published a news article mentioning the incorporation of an ILO health and safety guide for domestic workers in their operations. Consult here.  
5. Alliances with social actors  In addition to cooperation with unions for some dissemination and awareness, the Ministry has also created a work group with members of SINTRACAP to address issues of work in private homes. Consult here. 
More information 

Domestic workers are covered by unemployment insurance.  


In 2022, a labor reform bill was resumed to reduce the working day to 40 hours, within this recently approved bill, there are two measures that are aimed at private home workers: 


- The first is the reduction of the working day of the workers who carry out this job outside. 


- The second is that two additional days of rest are incorporated for private home workers who work indoors  


*Information reviewed and approved by the Ministry.