Who we are

The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) is the mechanism for cooperation among the Ministries of Labor of the Americas that seeks to build their human and institutional capacities.


It was established by the Ministries themselves following the XIV Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS in Mexico in 2005.  Since then it has made important contributions to labor administrations in the Americas, including the design of policies and programs, the improvement of internal procedures and the development of regulatory frameworks. 


The main objectives of the RIAL are:


  • Identify, organize and disseminate the experience and knowledge of the Ministries of Labor of the Hemisphere.
  • Collect and systematize information regarding programs and projects in priority topics for labor administration.    
  • Foster critical transfer of the various experiences and lessons learned through workshops and cooperation activities among countries.
  • Facilitate communication between Ministries of Labor, international organizations, financial agencies, workers and employers representatives and civil society.
  • Improve the ability of the Ministries of Labor to identify their institutional needs and to formulate proposals to receive technical and financial assistance.
  • Strengthen coordination and collaboration among international organizations and cooperation agencies.