Honduras - Repository of Actions on Paid Domestic Work

Regulatory Information 
Ratification of the 189 ILO Convention   No.   
Existence of an internal regulation for domestic work 



Labor Code 

Chapter II Work of domestic workers, from Article 149 to 165.  


Art. 149. Domestic work is the one that is provided for remuneration to a person who does not pursue profit and only intends to take advantage of, in their home, the continuous services of the worker for themselves or their family, whether the domestic worker stays in the employer’s house or outside it.  


Decree No. 34-2000. Women’s Equal Opportunity Act of 2000. Consult here.  


Chapter 4 of the Equal Opportunities Law of Honduras—from Article 44 to 69—establishes the protection and promotes equal opportunities in work and social security.  Consult here.  

Areas of Intervention 
1.Training and professionalization  In the educational system there is no training curriculum on Domestic Work. 
2. Dissemination and awareness-raising  This Secretariat of State, as a regulatory entity for labor relations, through its legal instruments, promotes the labor rights of Domestic Workers, informing about the Articles that pertain to these rights through information on social networks and the website. 
3. Inspection  Title III Inspections Chapter, General Provisions in Article 32 of the Labor Inspection Law. Consult here.  
4. Social Security Coverage 

Special and Progressive Affiliation Regime of Domestic Workers. Consult here.  


Social Security Law and Decree N-080-2001 of June 1, 2001, that contains its reforms in Chapter 1: Field of Application in Article 4. Consult here.  


Labor Code  

Chapter II: Work of domestic workers: 


Indirect dismissal: Causes and compensation Article 160. Domestic workers will have the right to terminate the contract and demand the payment of one (1) month’s salary in cases of mistreatment by the employer or person in the house or attempt to induce them to commit a criminal or immoral act. They will also have the right to terminate the contract, in addition to the general causes that authorize them to do so, when the employer does not pay them the salary that corresponds to them, in which case they must be compensated with seven (7) days of salary if they have less than one (1) year of service and one (1) month if they have worked for one (1) year or more. Calculation of benefits, Article 161. The advanced notice and compensation to which the domestic worker is entitles will be paid taking into account only the remuneration in the money they receive.  

5. Alliances with social actors  In Honduras, a group of women have created the Network of Domestic Workers, which is run by the Center for Women’s Studies.
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