Saint Vincent & the Grenadines - Repository of Actions on Paid Domestic Work

Regulatory Information 
Ratification of the 189 ILO Convention   No.  
Existence of an internal regulation for domestic work 



The Ministry has published the minimum wages for domestic workers in any of its modalities (day to day, living in, not living in). Consult here 

Areas of Intervention 
1.Training and professionalization   No data is available.
2. Dissemination and awareness-raising  YesThis was done through the Department’s weekly radio programme on National Broadcasting Radio, social media platform and print media in the form of brochures and newspaper articles See example of social media dissemination here.  
3. Inspection  Yes. Of the 36 inspections conducted by the Department in 2021, seven (7) were done in the Domestic Sector. 
4. Social Security Coverage  YesSocial Security coverage is stipulated in the Wages Regulation Order for Domestic Workers 
5. Alliances with social actors  No data is available. 
More information 


*Information reviewed and approved by the Ministry.