
NOW OPEN! – 18th RIAL Call for Bilateral Cooperation

Prepare your proposals! The 18th RIAL Call for Bilateral Cooperation Activities is officially open! This is the ideal occasion for Ministries of Labor to discover the experiences from their peers in the hemisphere, share their lessons learned and increase their knowledge and skills to develop more and better programs. Deadline: February 25th.

8th Gender Dialogue among Ministries of Labor: Eradicating gender-based violence and harassment at work

Representatives of Ministries of Labor exchanged experiences and developed recommendations to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence and harassment at work, acknowledging their effects within the world of work that disproportionately affect women, and that threaten workers’ well-being, companies’ productivity, and economic growth.

Hemispheric Workshop “Future of work and new employment dynamics in the Americas”

The objective of this Workshop is to increase knowledge and strengthen the capacities of Ministries of Labor and social actors to enhance the opportunities and mitigate the risks posed by technological advances and climate change responses to the world of work.

Hemispheric Workshop “Enhancing Labor Law Compliance in the Americas”

The objective of this hemispheric Workshop of the RIAL/OAS and USDOL was to strengthen the capacities of the Ministries of Labor to improve compliance with labor laws by enhancing innovative labor inspection practices and a preventive approach to law enforcement.

The Repository of Actions on Paid Domestic Work is now available!

This Repository developed by the OAS Secretariat in conjunction with the governments of the Americas, showcases the actions that the Ministries of Labor of the region have implemented to dignify, formalize, and achieve the full exercise of rights in paid domestic work.

7th Hemispheric Dialogue on Gender among Ministries of Labor: Training and employment strategies & Closing occupational gaps

The objective of this hemispheric event that took place within the framework of the RIAL/GENDER was to share advancements and experiences as well as formulate recommendations, on mainstreaming gender in training, workforce development and employment strategies, with a view to addressing and eliminating gender gaps and occupational segregation. 

Workshop "Towards a Stronger Coordination Between Education and Labor in the Americas"

The Intersectoral Workshop that took place on May 4-5 focused on increasing knowledge and strengthening the capacities of the Ministries of Labor and Education to move towards greater intersectoral coordination, especially around national and regional qualifications frameworks. 

6th Gender Dialogue among Ministries of Labor: Towards paid domestic work with rights

The objective of this hemispheric event that took place within the framework of the RIAL/GENDER was to share advancements and strategies, as well as identify lessons learned and policy recommendations, to guarantee compliance with labor legislation and respect for fundamental rights and principles in paid domestic work.


The 16th RIAL Call for Proposals for Bilateral Cooperation was open from January 20 to March 10, 2023. During this time, the Technical Secretariat received 59 proposals between 16 Ministries of Labor of the region. As of now, the results of the Call are in. Congratulations to the selected Ministries!

RIAL Workshop on "Social Dialogue for a rights-based transition from informal to formal employment"

The RIAL Workshop focused on the exchange and analysis of policies to improve social protection coverage and promote productivity to achieve, through social dialogue mechanisms, the transition from informal to formal employment.