7th Hemispheric Dialogue on Gender among Ministries of Labor - Mainstreaming gender in training and employment strategies: Closing occupational gaps

Professional training and skills certification
Gender equity
Event date: 
Virtual Event

Share advancements and experiences, as well as formulate recommendations, on mainstreaming gender in training, workforce development and employment strategies, with a view to addressing and eliminating gender gaps and occupational segregation. 

  • This dialogue was organized by the Technical Secretariat of the IACML in the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) of the OAS, in collaboration with the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM). 
Directors and representatives of the gender units or areas of the OAS Ministries of Labor, and officials of said Ministries interested in participating. Representatives of workers and employers, grouped in the advisory bodies of the IACML -COSATE and CEATAL. International organizations and other interested actors will be invited as observers.
Relevant documents: 
PDF icon Base Document 305.97 KB
PDF icon List of Participants190.19 KB

Presentation by the Technical Secretariat, by María Claudia Camacho, Chief of Section for Labor and Employment, Department of Human Development, Education and Employment, SEDI/OAS, giving an overview of the gender approach on workforce development and employment strategies and occupational segregation in the region. 

Presentation by the United States Department of Labor (USDOL), by Eleanor Delamater, Policy Analyst of the USDOL Women’s Bureau, on occupational segregation and strategies for recruiting and retaining women in apprenticeship and nontraditional occupations. 

Launch of the Repository of actions on Paid Domestic Work that can be consulted here: http://www.rialnet.org/?q=en/repository_domestic_work