Costa Rica - Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Costa Rica
Andrés Romero Rodríguez
Appointed by President Rodrigo Chaves, Mr. Andrés Romero Rodríguez took oath as Minister of Labor and Social Security of Costa Rica on February 1, 2023.
A psychologist from the Collegium Fidélitas University, Mr. Romero Rodríguez has served as National Director of Employment at the MTSS, President of the National Learning Institute (INA), adviser to the office of the Ministry of Labor and the office of the Vice-Ministry of the Interior, Police and Public Security, among others.
The new Minister of Labor expressed that reducing unemployment in the country is a priority on his agenda.


RIAL Focal point: 
Marisol Bolaños, Chief (Ag) Labor International Affairs
Ana Lucía Blanco, Labor International Affairs Advisor
RIAL/GENDER Focal Point: 
Helen Rodríguez, Head of the Gender Equality Unit
(506) 2542-0000
Edificio Presbítero Benjamín Núñez, Barrio Tournón.