Labor Market Observatory and Public Information System
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Peru | Mexico |
For two days, officials of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion of Peru visited the facilities of the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico, as well as those of the General Coordination of the Mexican National Employment Service (SNE). This, with the objective of obtaining learnings and training from Mexican officials on the subject of labor market information systems applied to employment services.
During the multiple sessions, the Mexicans explained to the Peruvian delegation where they get the statistical information to feed their employment information systems, for example, the role of house-to-house surveys carried out by the Mexican INEGI. As of the application of this information to create public labor policies, it was highlighted the existence of subprograms such as 'Bécate', within the SNE, which, based on the information obtained, produces job profiles for the different applicants.
As a result of the training sessions, the MTPE highlighted that its main learnings lie in the structure and organization of the institutions responsible for the analysis of the labor market in Mexico: National System of Statistical and Geographic Information, Labor Market Observatory, and Labor Statistical Information System. These three, according to the final report presented below, can be contextualized and implemented in the Peruvian panorama.