Argentina - Ministry of Human Capital, Secretariat for Labor, Employment, and Social Security

Sandra Pettovello

Sandra Pettovello is the new Minister of Human Capital of Argentina, as part of President Milei’s cabinet. She holds a bachelor's in journalism from the University of Belgrano, and studies in Family Science from Austral University. Likewise, she completed postgraduate studies at the International University of Catalonia. Ms. Pettovello has experience in the private sector as a columnist and mass media producer.

RIAL Focal point: 
Julio Cordero, Secretary of Labor, Employment and Social Security
Gerardo Corres, Director of International Affairs
RIAL/GENDER Focal Point: 
Cecilia Cross, Undersecretary of Inclusion Policies in the World of Work
Patricia Sáenz, National Director of Protection and Equality at Work
Av Leandro N. Alem 650 (C1001AAO) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - República Argentina
Institutional documents: