Webinar: Youth Employment- Generation Safe & Healthy

Occupational safety and health
Youth employment
Event date: 
Pan-American Health Organization

This event was part of the series of Webinars "Generation Safe & Healthy", organized by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Organization of the American States (OAS) with motive of the Day of Occupational Health and Safety. 


The objective of this exchange was to approach the impact that youth unemployment has on the region, as well as knowing some of the activities that the countries have developed regarding this subject. 


Youth unemployment is especially relevant considering that from 2015 to 2016, it generally increased from 15,1% to 18,3%, acording to ILO's 2017 Labor Panorama developed in Lima, Peru. 


This theme is a priority in the international labor agenda, considering that the 541 million people between 19 and 24 years old represent 15% of the world's workforce and suffer up to 40% more non-fatal occupational injuries than adult workers, according to the ILO. 


This Webinar was co-organized by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Organization of the American States, 

Relevant documents: 


A total of 67 people from 10 countries attended the Webinar. These included Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru and the United States. 
Also, members of organizations like PAHO jpined from Bolivia, Ecuador and Suriname.
Link to recording (SPANISH): https://bit.ly/2LS3QLz
Link to recording (ENGLISH): https://bit.ly/2LJW5Z7      


Youth and Employment in Latin America and the Caribbean - ILO

Presentation that addresses the main challenges on Youth Employment in the region, as well as the areas of opportunity, keys for success, and lessons learned from previous experiences. 

Guillermo Dema - Specialist on Youth Employment and Labor Migration on the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Labor Organization.

National Service of Training and Employment (SENCE) - Learnings and Challenges in Employment Training - Chile

Chile's experience regarding Youth Employment through their National Service of Training and Employment (SENCE). Achievements, processes, areas of oportunity and lessons learned. 

Gaston Cerda - Responsible for Studies Continuity, Department of Training.

Actions to reduce the impact of Youth Unemployment - Panama

Mercedes de la Cruz, Chief of Panama's "Pro-Joven" Program, shared the actions that Panama's Mitradel is developing in order to reduce Youth Unemployment. Pro-Joven includes training, 3-month supervised internships, and support on the vinculation between education and work. 

Mercedes de la Cruz, Chief of Panama's "Pro-Joven" program.