Management and Operations

The topic of “Management and operations” includes efforts of Ministries of Labor related to their structure and operations, strategic planning, coordination with other institutions, international cooperation, human resources, use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), studies and analysis.


Title Resource Topics
Research and Statistics Bilateral Cooperation MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Structure and operations
Restructuring of the Organization and Operations of the Paraguayan Ministry of Justice and Labor Bilateral Cooperation MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Structure and operations
RESULTS - 14th RIAL Call for Bilateral Cooperation Highlights LABOR, Child labor, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Youth employment, LABOR RELATIONS, Social organizations, SOCIAL SECURITY, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS
Results of the 13th RIAL Call for Bilateral Cooperation are in! Highlights LABOR, Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, Child labor, Forced labor, EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity, LABOR RELATIONS, SOCIAL SECURITY, Social security programs and policies, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Strategic planning
RIAL Workshop "Strategies to improve compliance with labor legislation" Highlights LABOR, Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, Labor inspection, LABOR RELATIONS, Individual and collective conflict resolution, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Coordination with other institutions
Strategic Planning Bilateral Cooperation MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Strategic planning
Strategic Planning – Organization and Functioning Bilateral Cooperation MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Structure and operations, Strategic planning
